Publish new advertisement2007 daughter of On a High bred to Aint Seen Nothin Yet Confirmed 60-day heartbeat check for early May 2025 foal. Foal will be eligible for so many…
OBO: Firm
Age: 17
Horse's Registered Name: Casitas
Sire’s Name: On A High
Dam’s Name: Castella
Horse’s Color: Brown
In Foal or Open: In Foal
Foal In Utero: Foal in Utero and Broodmare
Foal Incentive Eligibilities:
Future Fortunes:
Ruby Buckle:
Pink Buckle:
Royal Crown Futurity:
Select Stallion Stakes:
Blue Collar Breeders:
Colorado Classic:
5-State Breeders:
Breeders Challenge:
Cowboy State: